2013年1月20日 星期日

2013-01-20 Read a Book: The adventure of Robin hood

Written by Marcia William

There was a kingdom in England where the King was battling crusaders and Prince John was ordering sheriffs and abbots to pay levy taxes. Soon everybody became outlaws with Robin Hood except for a miller that had been caught.
A few days after he met Friar Tuck, they battled for four hours then called for help. After a few years Robin called his friends and shot the last arrow then his friend buried Robin Hood where arrow landed.

2013年1月6日 星期日

2013-01-06 Read a Book: Hachet

Written by Gary Paulsen
Chapter book

Brian and his family went on a trip but the pilot got a heart attack and died. A lot of people went rushing into the pilot's sear and sent steering it but it went crazy. And somebody made it go straight down and it crashed into the ground only Brian survived. He thought he needs a home and fire as the main he used. His hatchet to make wood chunks and they are raspberries. After a month he thought he was bored of raspberries, he decided he wanted eggs, turtle eggs to eat. After 3-month he thought I want meat so he found a store full of stews, he traded turtle eggs for 4 beef stews and found his friend in store so he took him to his home and ate the four stews.

2012年12月17日 星期一

2012-12-17 Read a Book: The week of the jellyhoppers

Written by Pauline Cartwright
Chapter Book

Isabel's mother was dead so long ago that Isabel can't remember her. Every time her father went to work, neither she will go to Ms. hopgood yard with Obadiah. Or go play with Jamie, Ruth, Reuben and somebody strong. But the only problem is tey even dare to rob Chocolate!

2012年11月18日 星期日

2012-11-18 Read a Book: Claudine's concert

Written by Virginia King

I think the funniest part of this book is (for me)...
Toby has finished painting the scenery. Yuk!
He ran out of blue paint, so he painted the sky green!

2012年11月4日 星期日

2012-11-4 Read a Book: It's Itchraft

Written by Dan Greenburg
Chapter book

A joke in the book is:
Q: what an 11 letters word that everyone spells incorrectly?
A: Incorrectly.

2012年10月25日 星期四

2012-10-25/26 Read a Book: Fernitickles

Written by Mars Peace Finley
Chapter book

The King has came to town and he gave at least 1 order a day! If it keeps on they will get ruined!

There is a number of fish in the sea. Bur the King orders about 200 fish a day for lunch! and another problem is Lady Rebecca and the Queen orders a otter cloak for gifts!

2012年10月8日 星期一

2012-10-8 Read a book: The matchbox


German and Italian armies marched across Europe and killed millions of people.

2012年9月25日 星期二

2012-09-25 Read a book: Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone

Written by J.K. Rowling
Chapter book

Harry Potter goes to Wizard school and he doesn't find Magic hard. Because Harry Potter is a Wizard.

2012年9月20日 星期四

2012-09-20 Read a book: A battle of Words

Written by Heather Christie

Ms. Mcginnits just seems to do anything right. And there's an accident with the window.

2012年2月9日 星期四

2012年1月18日 星期三

2012-01-18 Lawry

Lawry's wobbly left front tooth is finally fallen out during the snack time this morning.
This is the 5th fallen-out tooth, and he hid it under his pillow to wait for the shiny coin reward by tooth fairy tonite.

Lawry had a 2-hr intensive swimming class this afternoon. He told me that he felt so good about working out and saying it's a great exercise! Coach told me that he at least swam for about 700M during 2 hr. What a great job done!

2011年10月26日 星期三

2011-10-26 @ School

He kicked out his shoes today!
First time, Ms. Gibbs told him not to cuz you will lost your shoes!
And moments later, he did it again and this time, he kicked his shoe away to the back of the cupboard. So, he had to deal w/ himself to ask Ms. Gibbs to help him to find out the shoe. Luckily Ms. Gibbs helped him to move the cabinet and get the shoe out!

Later in Charlene's class, he lost his focus again. And he kept disturbing other kids while doing things in his own way. Charlene even said that he is spoiled other's quality time in reading!

I am so mad at him!

2011-10-25 Comments from Ms. Tina

I must share that every time I see Lawrence in the school day (and I see him around the building when I work with other kids as well), he looks so happy this year! It's so nice to see him enjoying himself :) He always greets me with a smile and I love that he brings in something special to share with me. Today he brought in a magic school bus book and taught me all about bones ;) I'm really seeing him spread his wings this year!

He did marvelously during our lesson today, which was on listening skills--more specifically, paying attention when someone else is listening. I asked him how he could tell I was listening to him when he was telling me about his book, and he was able to tell me (with a only a little prompting from me) that I used my ears, I looked at him, I paid attention to him, I was interested in him, and that I asked him questions about what he was telling me. We then had an activity where we took turns "interviewing" each other, practicing our listening to others skills. Lawrence got a bit silly during this activity, but I could tell he did listen to what I was saying. Good job today Lawrence!

2011年9月8日 星期四

2011-09-08: Lawrence

今天在往學校的路上, 我和zoe在聊天時說到:
zo, 你今天去學校要笑咪咪和大家說good morning! 媽咪給你一個hug和一個kiss就會離開囉!
不可以哭哭喔, 不然今天(下課回家)就沒有巧克力牛奶當點心喔!

樂在後座馬上傳來一句:mom, you said no threatening!

我沒有在威脅小妹啦!我今天早上吃早餐時小妹說要帶巧克力牛奶當點心, 我說不行!原因是他喝了牛奶就一定會吃不下水果/中餐! 所以我有和她約定好, 如果今天去學校上課沒有哭哭, 回家就可以有巧克力牛奶喝了!所以我只是在做一次提醒的動作!

Not only have to talk the talk, but also walk the talk!

今天在play ground, 樂與一位nursery的孩子相撞!因為兩人都沒看到彼此往自己的方向跑來!
可是樂被撞倒後, 不是先看看弟弟有沒有受傷, 而是低頭看看自己上週才掛彩的膝蓋有沒有流血!
請他去向弟弟道個歉說自己不是故意撞倒弟弟的, 也不是挺願意!


2011-09-07: Lawrence

我在往回家地路上, 在新生高架橋上飆速開車
Lawrence 便在後座說了句:
媽, 你以前告訴我不能做的事, 你現在(卻)做的話; 我會提醒你(不要犯錯!)
當場, 我整個人愣了一下之後, 回答說:
嗯, 樂, 謝謝你提醒我, 我有時候還真的很會忘記自己講過的話呢!
Lawrence似乎很滿意我的回答, 便回我說:嗯!以後我還是會提醒你的!

2011年8月22日 星期一

2011-08-22 Zoe: First day @ TES

Zoe was having a rather hard time for her first day!
She was having attitudes and pouting all the time!
Like to grabbing stuff without asking other kids first and looking worried all the time!

I left her around 8:35!

Ms. Karen said she was good after I left and she also wore a smily face while I picked her up today!

Found a scratch on her left waist! Zoe told me that she was grabbing and pulling from other's toy!

2011-08-22 Lawrence: Back to school day!

Today is the first day of school!
Lori said that he spent the playtime and lunch time reading his books instead of playing with other kids.
Books are: Magic tree house #38/#39
Not read it thoroughly, so I asked him to re-read it again and again!

Chess class @16:00
Learning new strategy about Pawn!

2011年8月19日 星期五

How to paint the portrait of a bird

It's also a lesson in capturing the moment, giving it temporary shelter, and then releasing the moment in order to re-experience it again in the future.

2011年6月10日 星期五

2011-06-09 zoe的童言

跟他說, 牙齒要刷乾淨, 因為晚上有吃很甜很黏牙的餅乾點心
如果不刷乾淨, 以後長大牙齒會黑黑的很醜
不然, 我們還是去請牙醫阿姨檢查好了~

Zo 說, 我才不要長大
K說, 好, 不要長大; 不然當北鼻好啦, 可是當北鼻也是要把牙齒刷乾淨啊~
Zo 說, 我又不是北鼻
K說, 那不然你是什麼啦?~
Zo 說, 我..我就是矮矮的人啊

2011年5月24日 星期二


除了與老師較熟悉了之後, 分際拿捏有時會較不恰當之外 (身體界限/要求方式)
但是在團體的相處上, 關於自我情緒的管理, 以及過於直接了當的表達將會是樂今後的挑戰源頭!

光光老師提到“早療課程畢業 (告一段落)“的想法!
樂從第一次和光光老師碰面到現在已有將近2.5y (2008.10~2011.05)的時間
一直以來, 每週一次的職能治療一直是我和樂的情緒出口!
我們 (樂和我)一起與光光老師發現問題, 處理問題, 調整問題, 解決問題!
實在很難想像如果有一天, 沒有了這每週一次的聚會
一旦碰到問題時, 我是該如何面對呢!
