Bedtime for Francies (Russell Hoban)
Little Cloud (Eric Carle)
Draw me a star (Eric Carle)
It looked like split milk (Charles G. Shaw)
How to catch a star (Oliver Jeffers)
Little bear's visit (Else Holmelun Mnarik)
Good boy, Fergus (David Shannon)
It's my turn (David Bedford/Elaine Field)
Going to the Doctor (Stephen Cartwright)
A Little Princess Stoy series: (Tony Ross)
1. I want to be
2. I want my mum
3. I want my tooth
4. I want to go home!
5. I want a friend
Curious George series: (Margret & H.A. Rey's)
1. Curious George in the snow
Clifford series (Read by teachers @ Happy Kids)
1. Clifford, the small read puppy
2. Clifford's manners
3. Clifford's good deeds
4. Clifford's the firehouse dog
5. Clifford to the rescue
6. Count on Clifford
7. Clifford and the big storm
8. Clifford's ABC's
9. We love you, Clifford
10. Clifford's day with Dad
2009年6月20日 星期六
2009年6月13日 星期六
Lori/ 4Y2M: 揪甘心
今天睡前, 我們共讀了一本書
Little Bear's Visit
書中第一篇談到了拜訪Grandfather and Grandmother's house
little bear 實在太喜歡祖父母, 各給了他們一個擁抱!
see, little bear likes his grandpa and grandma so much!
that's why he gives them both a hug! how sweet he is!
接著我說, 你都很少給grandpa 和 grandma 擁抱
樂說: 我有啊
我說: 你都很少給阿公抱抱
樂說: 我有啊! 我小時候有啊, 可是我現在都抱不到他了~
不過, 他會在天上保護我還有婆啊!
如果, 有一天婆死掉了, 我們就要照顧漂亮姨
我便回說, 是誰跟你說的
樂說: 沒有人告訴我, 我就是知道啊~
我家妹妹 (漂亮姨)主派遣來的小天使,
身體不好, 卻是大家的寶貝
上個禮拜, 有個老師跟我說樂是個"溫柔"的孩子
Little Bear's Visit
書中第一篇談到了拜訪Grandfather and Grandmother's house
little bear 實在太喜歡祖父母, 各給了他們一個擁抱!
see, little bear likes his grandpa and grandma so much!
that's why he gives them both a hug! how sweet he is!
接著我說, 你都很少給grandpa 和 grandma 擁抱
樂說: 我有啊
我說: 你都很少給阿公抱抱
樂說: 我有啊! 我小時候有啊, 可是我現在都抱不到他了~
不過, 他會在天上保護我還有婆啊!
如果, 有一天婆死掉了, 我們就要照顧漂亮姨
我便回說, 是誰跟你說的
樂說: 沒有人告訴我, 我就是知道啊~
我家妹妹 (漂亮姨)主派遣來的小天使,
身體不好, 卻是大家的寶貝
上個禮拜, 有個老師跟我說樂是個"溫柔"的孩子
2009年6月6日 星期六
Lori/ 4Y1M: Family Fun Day @ Happy Kids
The school hosts an annual event at the end of the school year.
They designed 9 different attractions at different rooms. And they are:
1. Face painting (Lori did not want to try on this game)
2. Balloon Animals
3. Ping pong toss
4. Obstacle course
5. Fishing
6. Bubbles and Oobleck
7. Cookie decoration
8. Jumping castle
9. Jellybean guess
Lori loved the Jumping Castle the most, he visited it twice and did the flip-flop and flop-flip crazily. He also visited No. 3and 4 twice.
He stayed at the Balloon animals room the longest because every kids get to place an order to the Mr. Balloon and get what he/she wants. You won't believe what Lori ordered, what he wants is an "ANT". The balloon man made him an orange ant and also create a blue helmet that can hold the ant on top of it! It looks pretty cool on him indeed!
Lori also made an guess on the total sum of number of jellybean in a big glass jar. His bold guess is 1,000. Unfortunately, he did not get it right! Fortunately, the boy who got the whole jar of jellybean is quite generous to share some of the beans with Lori. And he feels so happy about it too!
I guess Lori is having a fun day today!
The school hosts an annual event at the end of the school year.
They designed 9 different attractions at different rooms. And they are:
1. Face painting (Lori did not want to try on this game)
2. Balloon Animals
3. Ping pong toss
4. Obstacle course
5. Fishing
6. Bubbles and Oobleck
7. Cookie decoration
8. Jumping castle
9. Jellybean guess
Lori loved the Jumping Castle the most, he visited it twice and did the flip-flop and flop-flip crazily. He also visited No. 3and 4 twice.
He stayed at the Balloon animals room the longest because every kids get to place an order to the Mr. Balloon and get what he/she wants. You won't believe what Lori ordered, what he wants is an "ANT". The balloon man made him an orange ant and also create a blue helmet that can hold the ant on top of it! It looks pretty cool on him indeed!
Lori also made an guess on the total sum of number of jellybean in a big glass jar. His bold guess is 1,000. Unfortunately, he did not get it right! Fortunately, the boy who got the whole jar of jellybean is quite generous to share some of the beans with Lori. And he feels so happy about it too!
I guess Lori is having a fun day today!
2009年6月4日 星期四
Lori/ 4Y1M: Fantacy land costume party@Happy Kids
學期末了, Nursery class 舉辦了一場化妝舞會
主題設定是童話世界的人物, 家長可逕自幫孩子挑選適合他/她扮演的人物
Ms. Franchuk設計了主題遊戲, 主題遊街(校內), 主題點心,
希望孩子能快樂地慶祝最後在小班的日子, 並準備迎接中班的來臨
一開始, 樂想扮演難度實在有點高的Dragon..
我試圖勸說他裝扮成魔術師(因為最簡單, 只要找頂高帽和魔術棒即可, 至於服裝隨便搭配都可應付了事!!)
可是, 固執的樂可不是那麼好洗腦的啊~
最後實在因為時間逼近, 只好在活動的前一天拉著鄭在放假的Mark 先生,
最後找到兩套戲服--魔法師以及羅馬武士 (PS.可佯裝成王子;花兩套的錢可做三種裝扮!嗯, 划算!)

雖然最後, 他選擇扮演 "王子"
不過到了學校, 我想 Ms. Franchuk 根據他的服裝, 指派他扮演 Knight
當天我們問他, 誰今天打扮的最漂亮
答案依舊是 "Christine"-- Secret admirer of Lawrence
主題設定是童話世界的人物, 家長可逕自幫孩子挑選適合他/她扮演的人物
Ms. Franchuk設計了主題遊戲, 主題遊街(校內), 主題點心,
希望孩子能快樂地慶祝最後在小班的日子, 並準備迎接中班的來臨
一開始, 樂想扮演難度實在有點高的Dragon..
我試圖勸說他裝扮成魔術師(因為最簡單, 只要找頂高帽和魔術棒即可, 至於服裝隨便搭配都可應付了事!!)
可是, 固執的樂可不是那麼好洗腦的啊~
最後實在因為時間逼近, 只好在活動的前一天拉著鄭在放假的Mark 先生,
最後找到兩套戲服--魔法師以及羅馬武士 (PS.可佯裝成王子;花兩套的錢可做三種裝扮!嗯, 划算!)
雖然最後, 他選擇扮演 "王子"
不過到了學校, 我想 Ms. Franchuk 根據他的服裝, 指派他扮演 Knight
當天我們問他, 誰今天打扮的最漂亮
答案依舊是 "Christine"-- Secret admirer of Lawrence
2009年6月3日 星期三
聽到徐佳瑩的失落沙洲, 一股暖暖的悲傷就逕自汨汨地溢出
雖然這首歌初始動機是失去愛情,但在那極具渲染力的清亮女聲的柔暖聲線下, 喚起對老爸的思念, 那些追憶的畫面就這樣無法停斷下來~
老杯離開的那天, Zozo 剛好滿8個月
我們彼此雖都沒說出口, 但你一定都知道~ 是吧
雖然這首歌初始動機是失去愛情,但在那極具渲染力的清亮女聲的柔暖聲線下, 喚起對老爸的思念, 那些追憶的畫面就這樣無法停斷下來~
老杯離開的那天, Zozo 剛好滿8個月
我們彼此雖都沒說出口, 但你一定都知道~ 是吧
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