2009年11月29日 星期日
Lawrence Weekly: Flower the Dinosaur 112709-112909
On the Friday of "Lawrence's week", he took a class pet called Flower the Dinosaur home for the weekend and she need to return to school on the following Monday. During the weekend, Lawrence is asked to take care of Flower and include her in family activities. And there is a journal included in Flower's bag for each family to share pictures and write down what they did over the weekend. Of course, on Monday, Lawrence will need to share with the class about what he did with Flower at our home.
Lawrence Weekly: All about me week! 112309-112709
Starting the week of Oct. 5, PA class has "Student of the week." This is a time to celebrate each child individually. They were sent home an '"All about Me" bag on the Friday before the week, and this bag shall bring to school the following Monday with some of each child's favorite things inside and also some pictures. Those pictures will be used to make "Special books." And the most special part is each child will be sent home at the end of the year with the "Special books" they made in the class.
Nov. 23 ~27, 2009 is Lawrence's week.
That's see what he prepares for his "All about me" bag, they are:
1. Calculator: Always ranked at No. 1 place
2. Sticker: No idea why he put this in the bag??
3. Insect card: "The private life of insects"; very interesting DVDs
4. A marker: to write/draw with
5. A CD (Piano de Chibli): his recent favorite
6. Book:The magic school bus, his current favorite book series
Photos that we prepared for him are some recent taken ones, and hopefully he enjoyed to share to his friends~
2009年11月23日 星期一
Lawrence Daily: 112009 school work
這是樂今天在學校的center time時所做的作品!
通常, 這是他最不愛的時段 (據他所說, 是因為要畫畫!所以不喜歡!)
做些勞作, 或者教他們字母的書寫以及相關的用語與字彙
這學期, 老師比較著重數學概念的啓蒙 (像之前的pattern 或者邏輯與數字概念...)
這個作品, 我猛一看也不覺有什麼特別 (覺得就是張塗鴉罷了!)
後來, 看到老師在這張紙後面的評語,
便覺得樂還真是個蠻有邏輯概念的孩子, Good Job Done!
圖示 no. 1 (左上)Fishing Pole 釣竿
圖示 no. 2 (右上)Catching Fish 釣魚
圖示 no. 3 (左下)Catch a Big Fish 釣到大魚
圖示 no. 4 (右下)Put it into a bucket and carry home 放到桶子, 帶回家
I am really impressed with his work! He chose to do this all on his own.
Everyone had to choose to draw something that has 4 steps. Most children just copied
my example, but Lawrence was more creative!
看到這, 還真是要給樂一個大手!(give Lawrence a big hand!)
2009年11月20日 星期五
2009 Christmas Music Concert
這是今年聖誕節樂樂他們將演唱的曲目 No. 1 (不要懷疑, 他們總共要唱3首歌!!)
Keep Christmas With You (All Through The Year)
Words by David AxlerodMusic by Sam Pottle
from "Christmas Eve on Sesame Street"
When Christmas time is over and presents put away, don't be sad
There'll be so much to treasure about this Christmas day and the fun we've hadSo many happy feelings to celebrate with you
And, oh, the good times hurry by so fast,
But even when it's over there's something you can do to make Christmas last
Keep Christmas with you
All through the year,
When Christmas is over,
You can keep it near.
Think of this Christmas day
When Christmas is far away.
Keep Christmas with you
All through the year,
When Christmas is over,
Save some Christmas cheer.
These precious moments,
Hold them very dear
And keep Christmas with you
All through the year.
Christmas means the spirit of giving
Peace and joy to you,
The goodness of loving,
The gladness of living;
These are Christmas too.
So, keep Christmas with you
All through the year,
When Christmas is over,
Save some Christmas cheer.
These precious moments,
Hold them very dear
And keep Christmas with you
All through the year.
曲目No. 2
As Long as there's Christmas (Beauty and the Beast 2)
Belle: There is more to this time of year Than sleigh bells and holly Mistletoe and snow Those things come and go Much deeper than snow Stronger than the strongest love we'll know We'll ever know As long as there's Christmas I truly believe That hope is the greatest of the gifts we'll recieve As long as there's Christmas we'll all be just fine A star shines above us lighting your Way and mine Cogsworth: Just as long as there's Christmas There will be Christmas pud Tons of turkey... Mrs. Potts: And cranb'ry sauce And mince pies if we're good Lumiere: Loads of logs on the fire The Ornaments: Lots of gifts on the tree All wrapped up in red ribbons... Chip: Wonder if there's one for me Cogsworth: We are due for a party Where on earth do we start? Fi-Fi: I may wear my tiara You bought me in Monmartre Cogsworth: All the silver will sparkle Mrs. Potts: And the china will gleam Lumiere: And we'll all be as shiny As a brand-new centime Chip: After dinner we'll play games Mrs. Potts: 'Till the morning breaks through Lumiere: Then we'll meet in the garden This is what we shall do Chip: We will build us a snowman That will reach up to the sky Belle: It will stay up until July Belle/Chorus: As long as there's Christmas I truly believe That hope is the greatest of the gifts we'll recieve Chorus: As long as our guiding star shines above Belle: As long as there's Christmas we'll all be just fine Belle/Chorus: There'll always be Christmas Belle: So there always will be a time When the world is filled with peace and love.
曲目No. 3 We are the world
We are the world
There comes a time
When we head a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
And it's time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all
We can't go on
Pretneding day by day
That someone, somewhere will soon make a change
We are all a part of
God's great big family
And the truth, you know love is all we need
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me
Send them your heart
So they'll know that someone cares
And their lives will be stronger and free
As God has shown us by turning stone to bread
So we all must lend a helping hand
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me
When you're down and out
There seems no hope at all
But if you just believe
There's no way we can fall
Well, well, well, well, let us realize
That a change will only come
When we stand together as one
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me
When we head a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
And it's time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all
We can't go on
Pretneding day by day
That someone, somewhere will soon make a change
We are all a part of
God's great big family
And the truth, you know love is all we need
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me
Send them your heart
So they'll know that someone cares
And their lives will be stronger and free
As God has shown us by turning stone to bread
So we all must lend a helping hand
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me
When you're down and out
There seems no hope at all
But if you just believe
There's no way we can fall
Well, well, well, well, let us realize
That a change will only come
When we stand together as one
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me
2009年11月13日 星期五
Zoe/ 1Y5M: 好一個多事之秋


(最愛讓Dede 抱!)
身高約:?? 目前穿90cm size的衣服
體重約 +/- 12kg
身高明顯抽高之後, 綽號從之前大家習慣“肥知知“變成“肉肉知“
仍舊是個胃口很好的女孩!只要看到可以吃的東西, 從來沒有說No的時候!
目前計畫將逐漸把1日3 餐的主食(粥品)退役
至於十全大補食物泥, 仍舊需要stand-by
除了因為小妮子的乳牙至今只長了8顆(上下排各4顆), 所以無法將食物完全咀嚼後幫助腸胃吸收
所以, 看似隨意實為用心調配的“十全大補食物泥“是補充營養不可缺的祕方啊~~
上週清洗牙齒時發現, zozo 的上臼齒竟然左右個長了一顆
所以, 長牙目前進度邁向10顆 (咻!還真慢耶~)
麵包, 饅頭類的早餐, 只要稍微處理成bite-size的大小, zozo 都可以自行進食, 完全不需讓人擔心
天氣好時, 一天至少要放風兩趟!
不過有時玩得太high, 所以大傷小傷不斷!
大傷1.:左腳腳背處有一不明割傷, 是在爺爺家發生的 (目前仍在貼美容膠中!!)
大傷2. : 右手手背處的割傷, 是在家恣意拿取DVD, 結果被抽屜櫃收邊的鋁條割傷所致 (也是再貼美容膠中!!)
小傷.....: 完全是因為“叩頭 (台語)“所致!我家小女, 前叩後叩, 再怎麼撞都是額頭兩邊...
bruises 不斷啊~~
除了是哥哥的小跟班之外, 也開始學會和哥哥鬥嘴 (氣勢也不差呢!)
2009年11月12日 星期四
Lori/ 4Y7M發展大觀:世界正繞著我旋轉
很快的, 樂也4Y7M了!
體重還是在21kg上下遊走 (算是瘦巴巴一族)
體重還是在21kg上下遊走 (算是瘦巴巴一族)
身高依舊很超前, 約2個月前量時, 是 116cm (竟然已經到了該付錢買票的身高)
目前是標準的雙聲帶 (國語/英語); 中翻英或是英翻中都很okay!
(尤其有時老媽聽不懂他再說啥or唱啥時, 他會自動翻譯!)
喜歡聽台語童謠, 加上在婆(外婆)家的時候, 大家喜歡和他講台語, 所以常常會落一些台語 (媽媽我唯一的concern是有天將無法在他人面前說他的543)
仗著自己愛聽波妞的歌並可哼上一段, 就會很耍帥的說 “媽!我會說日文對不對!?“
不過說真的, 樂樂除了會說あいうえお之外, 源自於天生對數字的狂愛, 數數倒是一流; 從3歲多就可從0數到100 (不過有時會走岔到台語數數去!哈哈!!)
不過說真的, 樂樂除了會說あいうえお之外, 源自於天生對數字的狂愛, 數數倒是一流; 從3歲多就可從0數到100 (不過有時會走岔到台語數數去!哈哈!!)
中文口說能力還好, 不過有時會“卡“在聽到同音不同字的時候, 做過多的連結以及聯想!
中文口說能力還好, 不過有時會“卡“在聽到同音不同字的時候, 做過多的連結以及聯想!
所以要常常需要媽媽解釋來解釋去的, 粉累!
還有, 正在訓練他的口語表達能力 (包含用語);
因為樂有時會表達得過於簡化, 而無法讓人了解他想要講的意思
還有, 最近剛開始對ㄅㄆㄇ注音符號表示興趣, 一想到什麼詞句或字, 就請你拼音!
總括來說, 就是個粉多話的孩子!
目前, 手腳雙側協調度還不錯
還有, 最近剛開始對ㄅㄆㄇ注音符號表示興趣, 一想到什麼詞句或字, 就請你拼音!
總括來說, 就是個粉多話的孩子!
目前, 手腳雙側協調度還不錯
喜歡和人擁抱, 可是每次都是熱情到一副非把人撲倒不可的!不是每個人都承受的起的啊~
每次看他牽著zozo的手走路, 總覺得zozo的手會被樂扯痛; 看在樂主動照顧妹的分上, 所以我是不會太積極介入!而且zozo可是惜肉的小女生, 真的被扯痛, 她可是會出聲抗議的呢!
不論是書寫數字,字母, 注音符號... or 畫圖都可以看出筆順的流暢度, 而且寫字也不再那麼使力!撕紙, 折紙 (會折扇子!), 擰乾毛巾, 使用剪刀, 抓握物品... 都有明顯的進步
可能有感覺到自己手部能力的提升, 目前也喜歡完疊積木的遊戲, 尤其是疊疊樂 (抽取以及放置積木時, 都很小心喔~)

圖示:蓋個會左右傾斜的高塔 (訓練左右辨識度/ 手部穩定度)


(放大圖)非常天馬行空的構圖, 裡頭有幫家人打分數的格子圖
還有他想說的文字, 當然是他口說, 我們拼讓他得以書寫下來的啦!

偶爾會害羞躲在人後, 尤其是人家一直盯著他看時; 這時候, eye contact會很不好, 會呈現眼神游離的狀況
要不然, 其實算是個不怕生的孩子
之前, 看到陌生人最喜歡問的問題就是 “你家著幾樓?(尤其搭電梯時?)“ “你幾歲?(別人最常問他的問題)“
喜歡別人順從他的意見, 要不, 很容易生氣; very bossy sometime!
偶爾會害羞躲在人後, 尤其是人家一直盯著他看時; 這時候, eye contact會很不好, 會呈現眼神游離的狀況
要不然, 其實算是個不怕生的孩子
之前, 看到陌生人最喜歡問的問題就是 “你家著幾樓?(尤其搭電梯時?)“ “你幾歲?(別人最常問他的問題)“
喜歡別人順從他的意見, 要不, 很容易生氣; very bossy sometime!
目前正在調整他過於cocky的表達, 希望在他惹怒其他朋友前, 能讓他了解self-confidence is not cocky!
Other than that,
他是個貼心的孩子! (很多人都這樣說!)
他過馬路, 會主動跟義交or 警察說 “謝謝!“
每天吃完學校點心, 會主動去跟做點心的老師, 說 “Thank you, Ms. Hsieh; It's good!" (老師說, 全校只有他會主動說謝謝!)
去小吃攤, 會跟老闆說, "你要小心喔!xx很燙喔...“ or 吃完後, 如果覺得很好吃, 還會走到老闆或廚師那說 “廚師, 謝謝!!
計算機是他的好友, 常常帶著到處玩!
99乘法已精通, 也因為如此, 等差級數更是難不了他 (最多, 我們玩過1~10跳數到1000+/-)
基本上來講, 只要是邏輯性高的遊戲他都很愛!
再加上學校老師為了鼓勵親子共讀所要求紀錄的Reading Log 更是一大助力!
目前, 除了練習看字發音之後, 識字能力也大增; 有些字數少用字淺的書, 他都可自讀!
通常, 選書方向以當時興趣為主
之前是天文方面的書 (8大行星的順序, 特色都很清楚!!)
目前以magic school bus 為首愛, 因為學校的圖書日, 會讓他們看半小時的DVD (這學期, 老師幾乎以magic school bus的為主!)
老媽我唯一還想加強的是--- 專注力 與 持續力
目前正在調整他過於cocky的表達, 希望在他惹怒其他朋友前, 能讓他了解self-confidence is not cocky!
Other than that,
他是個貼心的孩子! (很多人都這樣說!)
他過馬路, 會主動跟義交or 警察說 “謝謝!“
每天吃完學校點心, 會主動去跟做點心的老師, 說 “Thank you, Ms. Hsieh; It's good!" (老師說, 全校只有他會主動說謝謝!)
去小吃攤, 會跟老闆說, "你要小心喔!xx很燙喔...“ or 吃完後, 如果覺得很好吃, 還會走到老闆或廚師那說 “廚師, 謝謝!!
計算機是他的好友, 常常帶著到處玩!
99乘法已精通, 也因為如此, 等差級數更是難不了他 (最多, 我們玩過1~10跳數到1000+/-)
基本上來講, 只要是邏輯性高的遊戲他都很愛!
再加上學校老師為了鼓勵親子共讀所要求紀錄的Reading Log 更是一大助力!
目前, 除了練習看字發音之後, 識字能力也大增; 有些字數少用字淺的書, 他都可自讀!
通常, 選書方向以當時興趣為主
之前是天文方面的書 (8大行星的順序, 特色都很清楚!!)
目前以magic school bus 為首愛, 因為學校的圖書日, 會讓他們看半小時的DVD (這學期, 老師幾乎以magic school bus的為主!)
老媽我唯一還想加強的是--- 專注力 與 持續力
替他高興之餘, 也慶幸不用再處理尿床之後的清洗工作!! (補 111509')
2009年11月9日 星期一
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