2010年11月24日 星期三

2010.11.24 Zoe

Today, when dad said bye and luv u to Zoe, "oh~see u tomorrow (喔, 明天見)"said by Zoe
We two were all stunned by what she said and I even corrected her that "it's seeing you tonite!"
but, we later realized what she said to her daddy is 100% true because she normally sees him only in the morning time!

2010年10月5日 星期二

100410' Lawrence

Lory told me that a child called Hector hit him on his chest w/ his fist, but he did not fight back!
I asked why?
L: "Because he was not behalf himself!"
K: "How so?"
L: "Because I was taking out his points?"
K: "What points?"
L: "Joyce (隨車阿姨)said that I (assigned leader) can taking out the points if kids were not sitting well in the school bus, so I did so to Hector in the playtime, and he doesn't like it, so he hit me!"
"He hit me while R--, Y--, and Na--- are around me, and I can't believe he dare to do that!"
Once again, he insisted that he did not fight back!

2010.10.5 feedback from Ms. Chang
I spoke and Ms. Lee did too with the boys sorted. Hope it won't happen again!
Thanks! Ms. Chang

Just for the record!!
Cuz someone's mom said that Lori hit her kid and she did not feel comfortable about it! I passed this info. to her class teacher, she replied me in the mail as below:

Dear Kristin,

I emailed all the staff but their replies were all positive - no bad
behaviours on the playground / break times. However, I will keep that
in mind.

Miss Chang

Can't help himself of mocking dog and cat!! while in the chess class~
Chess after-class practice: on-line game

2010年9月30日 星期四

092910' Lawrence

4th art-work class- Frog


BTW, Lori told me that he and other 4 boys have got 9 smily faces by Wed....
Good job, kiddo, please keep up!

092910' Zoe

Go to doctor- 劉建宏
診斷:鼻竇發炎!痰略多, 需排痰!
用藥注意事項:用藥後, 鼻涕會增多, 屬正常現象!

雖然掛病號, 食慾還是不錯!

2010年9月28日 星期二

092810' Lawrence

Ms. Woodall came to me and said that Lawrence goes and talks to her class everyday and smiles at her! She said that Lory is a bright boy!

Heather said that she saw Lory was walking with 3 girls (hand-in-hand)while she was bringing the lunch to Nat-Nat during lunch time. And that was a huge news for Lory c'z holding 3 girls hands (how?) and getting along with 'em freely... good boy!

Got 3 smily faces and 9 ticks at school today!

We found his snack pouch and "CLICK" at lost-and-found box!

2010年9月25日 星期六

092510' Lawrence

Chess homework: Use 2 knight pieces to capture all the opponent pieces.

092410' Lawrence- Year1 summer scrapbook winner!

2010 summer scrapbook

This summer we (Lawrence and I) spent some time to work on the summer scrapbook project. This project actually was assigned by the school before summer vacation but it's not a compulsory work. So, I thought it would be a great idea for Lawrence to start keep records on what he did throughout this summer.

It was a beyond description surprise that Lawrence did win this competition from his year group friends. Lawrence went on to the stage to accept this honor in front of everyone in Today's assembly. It truly was and will be a great encouragement on Lawrence, taking consideration that he was having a rather rough time during last semester.

Good job done, my Lory!

Principal, Mrs. Martin, also wrote a letter to Lawrence to honor him on winning this competition!

Dear Lawrence- You ARE A WINNER!

Thank you very much for your wonderful scrapbook. My daughter Sophie and my husband helped me to judge the competition and we all really enjoyed looking at all the scrapbooks. We particularly liked looking at the lovely drawings the children did, the photos they put in, and reading all the writing.

You obviously had a great summer Lawrence, going to so many interesting places and doing so many interesting things, you are a very lucky boy. It looks like you really enjoyed your holiday and putting your scrapbook together too. I loved all of the origami you did!

I hope you enjoy your prize, well done.

Well done.
Love from
R. Martin

2010年9月21日 星期二

092010' Lawrence

Today when I picked up Lawry at school, SEN teacher Nicole told me that I have to wait for another minute and I started to wonder why???
Then his teacher, Ms. Chang told me that "oh, he is enjoying his "Golden Time"!"
Guess what, teacher gave "tick" to those who followed the rules or behalf himself, and surprisingly my Lawry got 9 ticks yesterday! So, he got the golden time to do whatever he wish to do. Of course, he chose to play the on-line "educational" games.... speechless on his decision!

Also, Lawry started to bring back Turquoise color level (Level 7) book home (of course, accompanying with Orange color level (Level 6) book). Moving up 1 level in school reading! Well done, kiddo!

Lawry attended his 2nd Chess class (1.5HR) today, I was so afraid he couldn't make it to the end, but Teacher Tony said he was doing well in the class, and he did pay attention to what he was taught!
Today's homework: use 2 knight to capture all the opponent's 16 pieces.

2010年9月19日 星期日

091810' Lawrence

I found out Lawrence got 2 wobbly lower front tooth when helping out brushing his teeth last night.
One adult teeth just sprout right behind one of the wobbly one....
I started to worry about future expenses on orthodontic treatment!

2010年9月18日 星期六

091810' Zoe

幫Zoe 準備好了之後, 將早餐放在她的面前
你看!女兒就是這麼貼心~ umwa

媽媽說:Zoe, 說我愛你, 媽咪
Zoe 說:媽咪, 嘔艾泥~

春眠不覺曉, 處處聞提鳥, 夜來風雨聲, 花落知多少
今天, 就很有自信的念唱出來囉~

091710' Lawrence

我和老妹發生爭執... 結果她趁著我下車接zoe時, 委屈地向Lawry訴苦
之後我一上車, Lawry 說:

媽, 你都沒有聽漂亮姨說話, (這件事情)她以前就說不要再這樣了...你還不聽....
那你以後叫我做事, 我也不要聽你的了
因為, 你自己也沒有做到(你說的話; 言外之意是我double standards)!
_ _||| 我簡直無言以對!

之後, 我忙著解釋我這麼做的原因之後, Lawry 接著說:
可是, 你和漂亮姨說得都不一樣, 我都不知道要聽誰的了!
(覺得自己不聰明的感覺)這樣, 我很不開心耶!哼~

091610' Lawrence

Lawry said:
媽, 你應該一次告訴我一件事!不要一次講很多事然後要我(照著)做

老師分享樂樂上課時所做的表情; [ps]是老師的回饋留言

開 心


大 笑

[ps] 大笑看起來跟哭的表情一樣。

生 氣


[ps] 生氣跟很生氣一樣,要求要示範一點生氣,做起來比較像是想睡覺,但是


傷 心

擔 心

[ps] 憂慮一詞不了解,改問擔心,表情跟生氣一樣。要釐清是表情或字詞不懂。

驚 訝

Dear 樂樂媽咪





Have a wonderful day


2010年9月14日 星期二


Cough a lot!

Went to the 林青穀 this afternoon, the prescription still the same
swollen throat! allergic nose!
since he's not feeling well today, I called off his swimming class this afternoon!

091310' Lawrence

Got 3 smile face stickers today!

First chess class starts @4:00pm, 90min
Can't believe Lawry focused all way thru..., and also asked me to arrange another 1 on 1 class this week! I guess he's quite into the chess world!

2010年9月9日 星期四

090810' Lawrence

Welcome Afternoon Year 1
Has volunteered to be the parent rep. for the Seal class.

1st art class this semester
Lawry got a really nice piece of painting.
Material: corrugated paper (瓦愣紙)/acrylic pigment (壓克力顏料)

Basically teacher taught them how to observe the sunflowers placed in a glass vase by using magnifier from the flower petal/nectar/stem/leaves/and even the fine hair on the steam/also the leave vein (葉脈)
and asked them to have a dark background to highlight the main theme.

Here come Lawry's work, Mark once thought it's done by me!

2010年9月8日 星期三

090710' Lawry

Swimming class- 練習踢水/自由式划手之前的換氣練習
上課前, 樂曾提到他不喜歡練習划手
也對, 同時要腳踢水, 轉頭換氣, 加上划手動作的確不容易
幸好, 姚老師也注意到這點, 今天的游泳課時刻意將划手練習取消, 只專心踢水+轉頭換氣
樂也說, 我有很專心上課呢!

Got a sticker today says "I concentrated for ages and ages today!"
what a funny one!

Writing practice starts today! Ms. Chang asked children to write 5 words a day (that's everyday's homework!)

2010年7月17日 星期六

071610' Zoe

晚餐時間, 舅舅剛回來
舅舅說著: 樂...舅舅抱抱
zozo 也沒回應
這時, 舅舅便有意無意說着:都沒有人要給舅舅抱, 舅舅好傷心, 那我口袋巧克力要給誰吃啊??
Da duh.. "巧克力“一詞馬上啓動了 zozo的注意力
她馬上回答說:我吃飽了, 舅舅...巧克力....

2010年5月7日 星期五



若是有你佇我的生命, 我就永遠不驚慌
若是有你佇我的生命, 我就永遠不孤單
海水會乾石頭會爛 你的愛疼無變換
甘願為我受盡拖磨 將我當作你心肝
海水會乾石頭會爛 你的愛疼無變換
恩情這大怎麼感謝 一生與主連相倚

I just can't help weeping while I listen to this gifted kid singing on the stage.
I believe in God that he will always give us certain challenges no matter we're in good time or bad time; what important is he will always beside us if you have strong faith in thee.

Thanks God for everything you give us!
Praise Lord!


2010年4月17日 星期六

Praise my Lord!

--- 上帝永遠給你最好最正面的答覆!

The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small,uninhabited island..
He prayed feverishly for God to rescue him, and every day he scanned the horizon for help,but none seemed orthcoming.
Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to protect him from the elements, and to store his few possessions.
But then one day, after scavenging for food,he arrived h! om! e to find his little hut in flames, the smoke rolling up to the sky.
The worst had happened; everything was lost. He was stunned with grief and anger. "God, how could you do this to me!" he cried.
Early the next day, however, he was awakened by the sound of a ship that was approaching the island. It had come t rescue him.
"How did you know I was here?" asked the weary man of his rescuers.
"We saw your smoke signal", they replied.
It is easy to get discouraged when things are going bad. But we shou! ld! n't lose heart, because God is at work in our lives, even in the midst of pain and suffering.
Remember, next time your little hut is burning to the ground it just may be a smoke signal that summons the grace of God.
For all the negative things we have to say to ourselves,God has a positive answer.
You say: 'It's impossible'
God says: All things are possible (Luke 18:27)
You say: 'I'm too tired'
God says: I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28-30)
上帝說:「我愛你。」(約 3:16 & 約 3:34)
You say: 'Nobody really loves me'
God says: I love you (John 3:16 & John 3:34)
上帝說:「我的恩典夠你支持下去。」(林後12! :9! & 詩91:15)
You say: 'I can't go on'
God says: My grace is sufficient (II Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15)
上帝說:「我引領你前行。」(箴 3:5-6)
You say: 'I can't figure things out'
God says: I will direct your steps (Proverbs 3:5-6)
上帝說:「你什麼都做得到。」(腓 4:13)
You say: 'I can't do it'
God says: You can do all things (Philippians 4:13)
上帝說:「你配。」(林後 9:8)
You say: 'I'm not able'
God says: I am able (II Corinthians 9:8)
上帝說:「做了,你馬上就會覺得值得了。」(羅 8:28)
You say: 'It's not worth it'
God says: It will be worth it (Roman 8:28)
上帝說:「我原諒你。」 (約壹 1:9 & 羅8:1)
You say: 'I can't forgive myself'
God says: I Forgive you (I John 1:9 & Romans 8:1)
上帝說:「我供應你一切所需。」 (腓 4:19)
You say: ! 'I! 'm poor'
God says: I will supply all your needs (Philippians4:19)
上帝說:「我並沒有給你一個恐懼的靈。」(提後 1:7)
You say: 'I'm afraid'
God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear (II Timothy1:7)
上帝說:「放下你的重擔,我為你承擔。」(彼後 5:7)
You say: 'I'm always worried andfrustrated'
God says: Cast all your cares on ME (I Peter 5:7)
You say: 'I don't have enough faith'
God says: I've given everyone a measure of faith(Romans12:3)
上帝說:「我給你智慧。」 (林後 1:30)
You say: 'I'm not smart enough'
God says: I give you wisdom (I Corinthians 1:30)
上帝說:「我永遠不會捨棄你的。」 (來13:5)
You say: 'I feel all alone'
God says: I will never leave you or forsake you(Hebrews13:5)

Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
歡欣之時, 頌讚上帝
艱難之時, 尋求上帝
安靜之時, 崇拜上帝
痛苦之時, 相信上帝
每時每刻, 感謝上帝

God has a positive answer......

2010年4月12日 星期一

Lawrence's Daily 041210'-041710'

*Books we read: Swing!/Waddle!
*Words we write:
swing/run a relay race/cartwheel/Penguin waddle/Frog hop/Pig prance/Elephant stomp
*Math book: P40-45

Woke @7:10, we hurried to Taipei Main Station to take THSR to Zuoying.
He was quite okay on the train, still lots of questions.

Arrived at Zuoying, we transferred to local train to Gangsan. Lori kept asking about how to say the stop name in Chinese and English repeatly (He tried to pronounce it on his own)

In WP, he played w/ pyramid game, and designed a maze game and some pages of his math workbook. Was a chatter box while doing every steps!!

On the way home, he tried to take a rest, but couldn't fall asleep.
I asked him to write the stop names in his note book and found his handwriting is terrible.
Arrived home, I asked him to practice the alphabet writing (Capital/Lower case). Some were doing good and some were bad. When I asked him to rewrite, he started to get irritated and started bending his head and tears were in his eyes. Keeping saying "Mom, are you angry? I can feel that you're so angry to me!"

Finally, he had corrected some of his re-writing and we headed to mom's. On the way to mom, Lori said that mom you've been so mad at me, I am about not liking anyone on this world because of you. You know, you shouldn't be so tough on me....

Later at mom's, he was so upset about me not bring him his play toys and tried to became clingy on me again. I also find out that he blink his eyes quite often while get stressed and I showed him that what if I blinked my eyes just like he did and asked him what was his idea about it? Lori replied it was not very good looking!

I told him that once he finished his dinner before 18:30, he can watch Doraemon until 19:00.
And he managed to make it work and later he had banana chiffon cake and fruit/chicken soup when done the TV watching.

Later when we got home, he became so tame and took very good care of Zoe, and asked me if I can pamper Zoe to sleep alone and he would like to read his book in his room and I granted his request. He read a book that we bought in the bookstore with very little help while I was with him and later he read other 5 books before Dad came home and read him another bed time story book-Mooncake.

Comments from class teacher:
I have read Lawrence's psychological report - it is very interesting and hopeful. I will use the information to help me organize the lessons/class time to ensure Lawrence has as little stress as possible and hopefully a happier time.
On a positive note, he sat thru an entire assembly today (on a chair next to me) and even sang a little bit during singing time.

He brought home a reading book (blue label) with 400 words reader, a much more difficult reader than it's normal reader. Don't know why Ms. Mayhew let him choose this one. The first time reading was a little bit hesitated, but it went pretty well; just a little paused at the words like "Tortoise, Kay, guess.."

Since Lori was doing good yesterday at school, I took him to see a movie- “How to train your dragon馴龍高手“ in I-MAX theater in Miramax Shopping Mall. We wore a 3D effect eyewear thru a whole movie. Lawrence actually complained several times about the very loud speaker during watching the movie. But, I believed he enjoyed a lot in watching it!

When we arrived home yesterday, Dad was already at home. And Lori seemed very happy today, so he drew some maze and game plots on his own. And we read a book called "Olivia acts out!"

Went to Da-an Park this morning, and Lori actually did pretty good w/ his sis, zozo. He took care of zozo for some times, but also searched for my attention while not seeing me around.

After having his favorite spaghetti, he went to his room to take a rest as I told him. Unfortunately, he couldn't fall asleep at all. Instead, he was reading books, and tried to roll over and over in his bed, and was doing rather quite activities in the room. But I do notice a loud noise from his room once like try to phlegm out. And he managed to read the reader "The Tortoise" all by himself fluently.

Later we went to Grandpa's, he actually watched a lot TV and was games played by his cousins. And ate lots of snack than usual. While stayed in grandpa's, he liked to play games such as throwing balls and building blocks...

Tonight, he stayed at 婆's.

2010年3月5日 星期五

2010.03.05 Meeting with Head master- Mrs. Martin

Lawrence's anxiety has increased during this period, and he has been unintentionally hurting people around him.

Lawrence is hurting adults and children.
He is not intentional to do it..
I just think he is not being naughty, he just anxious

During the lunch time, he tried to scratch the assistant teacher using his claws just to want her to stay with him.

He wouldn't come into the classroom, he kept running out of the classroom.
maybe 3 or 4 times a day!

School tried a few things to keep him in the classroom, like basket works. whenever his anxiety level rises, he can go to the basket and fetch a paper to do/draw his favorite number works.

All those things showing that he is not learning, he is a bright boy and with natural intelligent.
But he is not ready to cope what is going on in this environment, he has got too much on his head.

Every time when he walked into the classroom, it's quite colorful, stimulating, those adults/children and movements; things like these are just too stimulating, and he can't cope with so he runs away.

Here comes some of the option that Ms. Gare and I have discussed.
1. 1-on-1 studying, and all the expenses shall be covered on your own.
2. Repeat the Reception Year again (to be decided in late May/early June)
3. Part time study (which has been successfully proved on other kids)
Before the assessment outcome been delivered, we will start from the option 3, and this will start from Mar. 15 2010

Monday 1210pm start
Tuesday 0940am start
Wednesday 0940 am start
Thursday 1020am start
Friday 0840am start

We tried to skip out the classes that causes the anxiety levels up, which are music (Mon/Thur), PE (Mon/Wed), assembly (Fri) and lunch time. Because we don't want him to be anxious and we do want him to start learning.

We really want the parent and the school to work together.

Mark's remarks:
What we observed from Lawrence is that he tends to play and work with kids who is elder than his age or adults. And also, he likes challenges. Thus, we don't quite feel comfortable that he will need to repeat the reception year once again.

However, as my point of view Lawrence actually lack of patience and he tends to back off while facing obstacle.

Student who need to go up to next level needs to assessed by 6 categories, which are PEHE, CLC, Math, KUW, C, P. And we want all these field to be balancedly developed.

His creativity is quite rigid.
He shows that he likes to learn only when he is in the mood of doing it.
He maybe scored highest level of Math and KUW; however he is really low at PEHE and C (creativity), so his curve is not balanced.

He definitely wants to make friends with other kids. As we observed that he is not isolated so far. We have been watching it very carefully and we wouldn't want that to happen.

Try to be positive to Lawrence while applying part time schedule for him. All we want is to help him to get used to this new environment in a least stressed way. And please don't worry about Lawrence at all, we will help him as best as we could.

2010年3月2日 星期二

2010.03 Daily

Mar. 2
Told by Ms. Gare that Lawrence is not getting improved lately but getting worse.
He demands much more attention from the class teacher and assistant teacher too. Have arranged a meeting w/ Head principle and Ms. Gare to better support him to adopt to school life sooner.

Told me that I have been very mean to him lately because I intervene most of everything that he wants to do. He often walked away before completely listen through what I have told him. Have trouble following the instruction and choose to what to listen and what to obey.

Still blinking his eyes while get stressed and anxious.

Mar. 4
Lawrence knocked on Yuan's head cuz she doesn't want to play with him.
So, I had a role play with Lawrence teaching him how to react while people said No to him.
At last, we come to conclusion that we can said "That's okay, maybe next time!" to those who maybe not in the mood to play w/ Lawrence. Or maybe a little nice treat to show friendly gesture would be nice way too!

Told Mr. 光光 that it's really fun to see all the colors mixing all together. This is about that he run around in the music classroom just want to experiment the color stimulate.

Mar. 5
Wake up 5 minutes early than ordinary schedule on his own.
Enter classroom in good mood.
Show me the work he did at school which is placed in the other classroom. This work is about filling sand in an empty bottle and poke a stick on top of sand work.
Not paying attention in extensive logic class, so I decide to suspend for 2 month until Lori's hyperactivity relieve.
Runs a lot in the evening.
Still hide under table.

Mar. 7
Went to a called Surfbeach restaurant in GinShan area with Families.
A cousin of mine brought a cute poodle called Mini, Lori loved her so much. He hug her and fed her snack and water... seldom see him so tender to treat a creature. Haha!!

Mar. 8
There is an assessment hold by Dr. Wilson starting from today. That will be a 3-day assessment work on Lori.

2010年2月1日 星期一

Lawrence's Monthly: 022810'

Feb. 1 2010:
Arrived at school on bell-rang time, and stand by the door for a while as always.
Yuan reminded him that he forget to bring the folder into the classroom, but he coldly asked her "Go away!"
Started w/ a very passive attitude today!

Feb. 4, 2010:
Happily entered the classroom this morning!
Happily showed me his work (a tower made by bricks/ branches/ falling leaves)
He was taken out some points because of not listening by teacher who asked them to tidy -up and still stayed outside playing with his work. And insisted to ask Ms. Chou to take a photo.

Feb. 5, 2010:
Stayed in the car for a while when we arrived at school!
Hesitate to go into the classroom alone w/o Yuan.
Try to talk to Ms. Mayhew about he's hoping to bring Freddy the treefrog home again, but Ms. Mayhew told him that everyone has the chance to bring the toy home by turns.
Lawrence asked me to stay with him even after the school bell rang, but at last Ms. Mayhew asked me to leave, and I saw him sobbing and sitting on Ms. Mayhew's lap for a long while.

Feb. 8, 2010
Refused to enter the classroom and cried.
Talked to dad for a while and showed the willingness to enter the classroom but still hide behind a mirror...

Lawrence's monthly: 013110'

Jan. 2010 @ TES

Jan. 7: Hit the music teacher on her cheek
Jan. 8: Said he liked TES very much

Jan. 29 Ms. Mayhew left a msg @ communication book-- need to discuss with Lawrence's progress and see how best to support him at school!

有攻擊行為出現:打人, 抓人, 生氣
喜歡和老師談天, 鮮少與同學玩樂
上音樂課時從不唱歌; (回家卻唱得非常開心)
老師說 academically he is a bright kids, but he can't evaluate how much he learn from the class.