2010年9月30日 星期四

092910' Lawrence

4th art-work class- Frog


BTW, Lori told me that he and other 4 boys have got 9 smily faces by Wed....
Good job, kiddo, please keep up!

092910' Zoe

Go to doctor- 劉建宏
診斷:鼻竇發炎!痰略多, 需排痰!
用藥注意事項:用藥後, 鼻涕會增多, 屬正常現象!

雖然掛病號, 食慾還是不錯!

2010年9月28日 星期二

092810' Lawrence

Ms. Woodall came to me and said that Lawrence goes and talks to her class everyday and smiles at her! She said that Lory is a bright boy!

Heather said that she saw Lory was walking with 3 girls (hand-in-hand)while she was bringing the lunch to Nat-Nat during lunch time. And that was a huge news for Lory c'z holding 3 girls hands (how?) and getting along with 'em freely... good boy!

Got 3 smily faces and 9 ticks at school today!

We found his snack pouch and "CLICK" at lost-and-found box!

2010年9月25日 星期六

092510' Lawrence

Chess homework: Use 2 knight pieces to capture all the opponent pieces.

092410' Lawrence- Year1 summer scrapbook winner!

2010 summer scrapbook

This summer we (Lawrence and I) spent some time to work on the summer scrapbook project. This project actually was assigned by the school before summer vacation but it's not a compulsory work. So, I thought it would be a great idea for Lawrence to start keep records on what he did throughout this summer.

It was a beyond description surprise that Lawrence did win this competition from his year group friends. Lawrence went on to the stage to accept this honor in front of everyone in Today's assembly. It truly was and will be a great encouragement on Lawrence, taking consideration that he was having a rather rough time during last semester.

Good job done, my Lory!

Principal, Mrs. Martin, also wrote a letter to Lawrence to honor him on winning this competition!

Dear Lawrence- You ARE A WINNER!

Thank you very much for your wonderful scrapbook. My daughter Sophie and my husband helped me to judge the competition and we all really enjoyed looking at all the scrapbooks. We particularly liked looking at the lovely drawings the children did, the photos they put in, and reading all the writing.

You obviously had a great summer Lawrence, going to so many interesting places and doing so many interesting things, you are a very lucky boy. It looks like you really enjoyed your holiday and putting your scrapbook together too. I loved all of the origami you did!

I hope you enjoy your prize, well done.

Well done.
Love from
R. Martin

2010年9月21日 星期二

092010' Lawrence

Today when I picked up Lawry at school, SEN teacher Nicole told me that I have to wait for another minute and I started to wonder why???
Then his teacher, Ms. Chang told me that "oh, he is enjoying his "Golden Time"!"
Guess what, teacher gave "tick" to those who followed the rules or behalf himself, and surprisingly my Lawry got 9 ticks yesterday! So, he got the golden time to do whatever he wish to do. Of course, he chose to play the on-line "educational" games.... speechless on his decision!

Also, Lawry started to bring back Turquoise color level (Level 7) book home (of course, accompanying with Orange color level (Level 6) book). Moving up 1 level in school reading! Well done, kiddo!

Lawry attended his 2nd Chess class (1.5HR) today, I was so afraid he couldn't make it to the end, but Teacher Tony said he was doing well in the class, and he did pay attention to what he was taught!
Today's homework: use 2 knight to capture all the opponent's 16 pieces.

2010年9月19日 星期日

091810' Lawrence

I found out Lawrence got 2 wobbly lower front tooth when helping out brushing his teeth last night.
One adult teeth just sprout right behind one of the wobbly one....
I started to worry about future expenses on orthodontic treatment!

2010年9月18日 星期六

091810' Zoe

幫Zoe 準備好了之後, 將早餐放在她的面前
你看!女兒就是這麼貼心~ umwa

媽媽說:Zoe, 說我愛你, 媽咪
Zoe 說:媽咪, 嘔艾泥~

春眠不覺曉, 處處聞提鳥, 夜來風雨聲, 花落知多少
今天, 就很有自信的念唱出來囉~

091710' Lawrence

我和老妹發生爭執... 結果她趁著我下車接zoe時, 委屈地向Lawry訴苦
之後我一上車, Lawry 說:

媽, 你都沒有聽漂亮姨說話, (這件事情)她以前就說不要再這樣了...你還不聽....
那你以後叫我做事, 我也不要聽你的了
因為, 你自己也沒有做到(你說的話; 言外之意是我double standards)!
_ _||| 我簡直無言以對!

之後, 我忙著解釋我這麼做的原因之後, Lawry 接著說:
可是, 你和漂亮姨說得都不一樣, 我都不知道要聽誰的了!
(覺得自己不聰明的感覺)這樣, 我很不開心耶!哼~

091610' Lawrence

Lawry said:
媽, 你應該一次告訴我一件事!不要一次講很多事然後要我(照著)做

老師分享樂樂上課時所做的表情; [ps]是老師的回饋留言

開 心


大 笑

[ps] 大笑看起來跟哭的表情一樣。

生 氣


[ps] 生氣跟很生氣一樣,要求要示範一點生氣,做起來比較像是想睡覺,但是


傷 心

擔 心

[ps] 憂慮一詞不了解,改問擔心,表情跟生氣一樣。要釐清是表情或字詞不懂。

驚 訝

Dear 樂樂媽咪





Have a wonderful day


2010年9月14日 星期二


Cough a lot!

Went to the 林青穀 this afternoon, the prescription still the same
swollen throat! allergic nose!
since he's not feeling well today, I called off his swimming class this afternoon!

091310' Lawrence

Got 3 smile face stickers today!

First chess class starts @4:00pm, 90min
Can't believe Lawry focused all way thru..., and also asked me to arrange another 1 on 1 class this week! I guess he's quite into the chess world!

2010年9月9日 星期四

090810' Lawrence

Welcome Afternoon Year 1
Has volunteered to be the parent rep. for the Seal class.

1st art class this semester
Lawry got a really nice piece of painting.
Material: corrugated paper (瓦愣紙)/acrylic pigment (壓克力顏料)

Basically teacher taught them how to observe the sunflowers placed in a glass vase by using magnifier from the flower petal/nectar/stem/leaves/and even the fine hair on the steam/also the leave vein (葉脈)
and asked them to have a dark background to highlight the main theme.

Here come Lawry's work, Mark once thought it's done by me!

2010年9月8日 星期三

090710' Lawry

Swimming class- 練習踢水/自由式划手之前的換氣練習
上課前, 樂曾提到他不喜歡練習划手
也對, 同時要腳踢水, 轉頭換氣, 加上划手動作的確不容易
幸好, 姚老師也注意到這點, 今天的游泳課時刻意將划手練習取消, 只專心踢水+轉頭換氣
樂也說, 我有很專心上課呢!

Got a sticker today says "I concentrated for ages and ages today!"
what a funny one!

Writing practice starts today! Ms. Chang asked children to write 5 words a day (that's everyday's homework!)