昨晚的樂樂異常亢奮, 怎樣都靜不下來~
爹地有牙醫約診, 所以到了2100才回家
遙控器切阿換阿..終於看到一個愛看的節目-- David Rocco's Dolce Vita
今天的節目是有關David and Nina baby sitting 兩個可愛的小寶貝 Bianca & Tommaso
因為有小孩, 免不了的當然會介紹嬰兒食物囉~
1. 提拉米蘇 Taramisu
2 cups espresso (480ml)
1/3 cup sweet Italian vemouth (180ml)
40 Italian ‘Savoiardi’ Lady finger cookies
1.1 lbs fresh mascarpone cream cheese (500g)
5 eggs
5 tablespoons of sugar(75ml)
Bittersweet chocolate for shaving
做法 (8人份)如下:
Separate the yolks from the whites into two different mixing bowls.
In the bowl with the yolks, add sugar and beat yolk mixture with an electric mixer until consistency is creamy.
Add mascarpone cream cheese and mix thoroughly. In the other mixing bowl, beat egg whites until they turn into fluffy white peaks.
Carefully fold white peaks into the creamy yolk mixture.
In another bowl, mix together espresso and vermouth.
Dip cookies in coffee mixture for a few seconds, making sure they are wet outside but still somewhat dry in the middle.
Arrange dipped cookies in one tightly pack layer on the bottom of a cake pan.
Pour 1/2 of the cream on top of the cookies and spread evenly.
Add a second layer of soaked lady fingers, then evenly spread the remaining cream on top.
Plastic wrap the cake pan and leave tiramisu to rest in the fridge for 3-4 hours.
Before serving, sprinkle with chocolate shavings.
2Z 媽的感想:
想當年在荷蘭留學時, 義大利同學的所教我的RECIPE/作法跟dr.先生的surprisingly 如出一轍
2. 奶油起士拌麵Pasta al burro con formaggino
1 lb penne rigate pasta (450g)
2 tablespoons butter (30ml)
1/2 cup of freshly grated Grana Padano
2 tablespoons formaggino (30ml)
Salt to season
做法 (4人份)如下:
Salt your pot of boiling water and cook penne according to instructions on the package.
Drain penne and pour into mixing bowl along with some pasta water.
Add grated Grana Padano cheese, butter and formaggino and allow the hot pasta to melt all the ingredients.
Mix well and serve immediately.
2Z 媽的感想:
看到dr.先生妙手一揮, 輕輕鬆鬆的準備好幼兒的餐點...還真想馬上動手做咧
3. 紅蘿蔔泥 tommaso's baby carrots
2 market fresh carrots, cleaned, peeled, cut into small pieces2 market fresh carrots, cleaned, peeled, cut into small pieces
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil (30ml)
2 tablespoons freshly grated parmigiano cheese
做法 (4人份)如下:
In a pot of boiling water, cook carrots for a few minutes until fork tender.
Place carrots in a bowl, along with a few tablespoons of water from the pot.
Add parmigiano cheese, extra virgin olive oil and mash carrots with the back of a fork.
Let cool to room temperature before serving to babies (or big babies).
2Z 媽的感想:
這道料理, 準備起來真是有說不出的輕 鬆 感
以上食譜資料, 全是參考http://www.davidrocco.com/cookbook