I think it's really good one, and would like to share with you~
Have you ever seen your child hop down a stone walk, being ever so careful to step only on every so many stones? That's a pattern in action! When your child creates or discovers patterns, he or she is exploring mathematical relationships. Looking for patterns can help your child make sense of mathematical problems. For example, skip counting by tens creates the pattern 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and so on. Your child can use this understanding to solve related math problems such as, "if one lollipop costs 10 cents, how much will five costs?"
所以, 你只要跟他說, “樂從2,4,6,8,10 開始數, 數到100“ 他便可以一直往下數...
尤其, 自從今年暑假我讓他看了一片 九九乘法的DVD之後
從1~10幾乎都可以一直數到1000.... 如果他有更多的耐心的話還可以一直數下去!
至於"if one lollipop costs 10 cents, how much will five costs?"這一題應用題
直接念英文給他時, 他只回答了一句:what's "cost"?
翻成中文之後, 他馬上就回答 “50"了~
Moving Patterns............................................
When you take a walk with your child (or just head out to the bus stop), take turns making pattern for the other to replicate. For example, hop on one foot twice, then hop on both feet three times. Repeat to make a pattern.
Guess My Pattern..........................................
Give your child an assortment of dried pasta shapes, stickers, or pieces of cereal. Let him or her start a pattern with the pieces. Add on to your child's pattern, then switch places: You make a pattern for your child to finish.
之前, 我常和樂玩 “紅黃藍 紅黃藍 紅, 然後接什麼?
Number Connections....................................
Look for opportunities for your child to skip count. Socks to be sorted, shoes in a line, mittens in a basket, legs on chairs, panes for a window... they're all invitations to count by twos, fours, tens, or some other number. As your child counts, help him or her discover patterns or regulations. For example, your child may not be able to count by fours, but he or she may discover that the chairs at the table have four legs each.
利用日常生活用品來幫助孩子練習skip count是個不錯的點子呢!